Comparison of Clinical Characteristics and Treatment Results Between the Aged and the Young with Chronic Subdural Hematomas |
Moon-Yeon Kim , EL Kim |
Department of Neurosurgery, Dongsan Medical Center, Keimyung University School of Medicine, Daegu, Korea |
만성 뇌경막하혈종 환자의 연령에 따른 임상적 특징과 치료 결과의 비교 |
김문연·김일만 |
계명대학교 의과대학 동산의료원 신경외과학교실 |
Abstract |
Objective The authors herein described the difference of clinico-radiological features and treatment outcomes in the group of ≥65 and <65 years old with symptomatic chronic subdural hematomas (CSDHs).
Methods The 182 patients who underwent trephination and subdural drainage for their CSDHs between January 2008 and December 2012 were enrolled for this retrospective study. A comparative analysis of clinical data, radiographic findings, and treatment results were performed by differentiating the young patients (n=60) versus the aged patients (n=122).
Results The elderly patients were characterized by (1) higher rate of ischemic heart disease and antiplatelet user, (2) motor weakness and dizziness rather than headache as initial symptom, (3) severe degree of cerebral atrophy, and (4) bilateral and thicker hematomas. Only smoking history was significantly associated with the young group. The rate of recurrence was no statistical significance. There is no difference of clinical outcomes and complication rates between the groups.
Conclusion The geriatrics with symptomatic CSDHs frequently had bihemispheric lesions, advanced brain atrophy, and antiplatlet therapy. |
Key Words:
Chronic Subdural HematomaㆍElderlyㆍGeriatricㆍOutcomeㆍRecurrenceㆍTrephination |