Clinical Outcomes after Carotid Stenting in Octogenarians with Symptomatic Carotid Stenoses |
Dong-Hoon Lee , Hoon Kim , Young-Woo Kim , Ik-Seong Park , Min-Woo Baik , Seong-Rim Kim |
Department of Neurosurgery, Bucheon St. Mary’s Hospital, The Catholic University of Korea |
80대 유증상 경동맥 협착 환자의 스텐트 설치술 후 임상 결과 |
이동훈ㆍ김 훈ㆍ김영우ㆍ박익성ㆍ백민우ㆍ김성림 |
가톨릭대학교 의과대학 신경외과학교실 |
Abstract |
Objective The purpose of this study is to report authors’ clinical experience of carotid stenting in octogenarians with symptomatic carotid
Methods From January 2001 to December 2010, 14 consecutive octogenarian patients underwent carotid stenting to treat symptomatic carotid
stenoses. Anatomic results at follow-up, procedure-related complications, and morbidity and mortality were retrospectively reviewed.
Results Stenting procedures were successful in all cases. No mortality was observed. Procedure-related neurologic morbidity was observed
in one patient with unprotected carotid stenting. Procedure-related neurologic morbidity rate was 7% (1/14).
Conclusion Carotid stenting in symptomatic octogenarians is a safe and effective treatment option. It is desirable to use a protective device
to reduce procedure-related morbidity/mortality. More clinical experience is mandatory. |
Key Words:
SymptomaticㆍCarotid stenosisㆍStentㆍOctogenarian |