Clinical Features of Geriatric Chronic Subdural Hematoma |
Woo-Yong Lee , Joo-Chul Hong , Sang-Woo Kim, Chul-Hoon Chang , Oh-Lyong Kim , Seong-Ho Kim |
Department of Neurosurgery, College of Medicine, Yeungnam University, Daegu, Korea |
Abstract |
Objective Chronic subdural hematoma (CSDH) is a relatively frequent problem in neurosurgical practice. The aim
of this study is to compare the clinical features of CSDH patient in non-geriatric and geriatric patients.
Methods Between July 2000 and June 2005, 174 patients of CSDH underwent burr hole craniostomy with closed
system drainage. A retrospective analysis of clinical data and radiologic findings were performed by differentiating
non-geriatric patients, age <65 years (Group A, n=83, 47.7%) versus geriatric patients, age ≥65 years (Group B, n=91,
52.3%). SPSS (12.0K for windows) was used for statistical analysis.
Results Mean age of each group were 51.3 years, 72.2 years, and the most common cause of CSDH was head
injuries in both group (Group A, 66.3%, Group B 61.5%). In the remaining patients, no definite cause of CSDH
was common in both group (Group A, 30.1%, Group B 35.2 %). The leading initial symptoms were headache (37.5%),
and nausea/vomiting (12.7%) in Group A, but motor weakness (31.9%) was more frequent in Group B. The geriatric
patients had a greater drainage volume than the non-geriatric patients (347.2 cc vs 232.2 cc). The mean thickness
of the hematomas on computed tomography were 19.4 mm in Group A and 24.0 mm in Group B.
Conclusion The geriatric patients of CSDH have a more common preceeding events of minor head injury such
as slip down and go unnoticed, and have a more leading symptom of motor weakness than non-geriatric patients.
Thus, careful evaluation to exclude other similar clinical settings, such as cerebrovascular disorders, is warranted
in geriatric patients. |
Key Words:
GeriatricsㆍChronic subdural hematomaㆍMotor weaknessㆍOperationㆍOutcome |