Journal of Korean Society of Geriatric Neurosurgery 2007;3(2):169-175.
Published online December 31, 2007.
Clinical Analysis of Thoracolumbar Compression Fracture in the Elderly Patients
Jeong Ho Kim , Chang Hwa Choi

Department of Neurosurgery, Pusan National University School of Medicine, Busan, Korea

노인환자에서 흉요추부 압박골절의 임상 분석
Compression fracture of the vertebral body is common, especially in the elderly patients. Osteoporosis is one of the main risk factor of vertebral compression fracture. Traditional conservative treatment includes bed rest, pain control, and physical therapy. But, interventional procedure such as vertebroplasty can be considered in those who do not respond to conservative therapy. We report our experiences about vertebral compression fracture in the elderly patients. Material and Methods: We reviewed the clinical and radiologic data in 33 patients with symptomatic compression fracture of the vertebral body from January 2001 to December 2004. They have categorized into three groups determined by age (group A 50~59, group B 60~69, group C more than 70). Group A were 5, Group B were 13, Group C were 15. Bone mineral densitometry was performed in all patients. The ratio of height loss in compression fracture of the vertebral body was calculated in all patients. Percutaneous vertebroplasty was used in 13 patients (1 group A and 6 group B and 6 group C). The remaining 20 patients received conservative treatment. The mean follow-up period was 12 months (from 6 to 27).
The most common cause of fracture was slip down and the most common site of vertebral compression was T12 in women and L1 in men. Mean T score of bone mineral density (BMD) was measured -1.58 in group A (range 0~-2.8), -2.65 in group B (-1.0~-3.8), and -2.88 in group C (-1.3~-4.6). The mean ratio of height loss in compression fracture of the vertebral body was calculated 21.54% in group A, 29.81% in group B, and 33.91% in group C at initial diagnosis. Their mean increasing ratio of height in the vertebral body was 0.95% in group A, 2.12% in group B, and 2.81% in group C who performed percutaneous vertebroplasty, but mean increasing ratio was 4.14% in group A, 6.07% in group B, and 12.21% in group C who did not performed percutaneous vertebro- plasty. In the follow-up study, degree of decrease in back pain showed better results in patients with vertebroplasty than in patients with conservative treatment.
Thoracolumbar compression fracture is common in the elderly patients with osteoporosis. The vertebral BMD was decreased as patients grew older. The lower T score of BMD were, the more increased height loss ratio of vertebral body was. The height loss ratio of vertebral body was more increased in patients without percutaneous vertebroplasty than in patients with it. Thus, percutaneous vertebroplasty is considered a valuable procedure to prevent progression of height loss in the treatment of vertebral body compression in the eldely patients.
Key Words: Compression fractureㆍVertebroplastyㆍElderly patientsㆍHeight lossㆍOsteoporosis

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