Complications Related with Lumboperitoneal Shunt in Elderly Patients |
Jae-Woo Chung , Young-Soo Kim , Hyoung-Joon Chun , Hyeong-Joong Yi , Yong Ko |
Department of Neurosurgery, Hanyang University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea |
고령 인구에서 척추-복강내 단락술의 부작용에 대한 고찰 |
정재우ㆍ김영수ㆍ전형준ㆍ이형중ㆍ고 용 |
한양대학교 의과대학 신경외과학교실 |
Abstract |
Objective Lumbo-peritoneal shunt (L-P shunt) is a common procedure for treating intracranial hypertension. Previous papers have demonstrated that L-P shunt can control symptoms and signs of intracranial hypertension, but has the higher revision rates. The complication rate of the previous reports was higher than our expectation, so we studied the cases of our institute.
Methods From Jan. 2005 to 2010, nineteen elderly patients underwent L-P shunt to control the hydrocephalus in our institute. Clinical data was retrospectively reviewed for age, sex, neurological examination, and change of Evan’s ratio in pre and post-operative state in brain CT scan. Additionally, clinical data of revised patients, including previous operation, complication, and diagnosis was reviewed.
Results There were total of 181 patients who underwent any kinds of shunt operation, and among them there were 19 patients had L-P shunt. Previous studies report about 25% of the revision rate after L-P shunt, however only 3 patients (15.7%) had complications in our institute, which were due to shunt malfunction or obstruction.
Conclusion Clinical result of our experience showed lower rate of complication comparing with previous studies. L-P shunt can be a satisfactory choice for the treatment of hydrocephalus if it is performed under strict indications.
Key Words:
ComplicationㆍLumbo-peritonealㆍShuntㆍCerebrospinal fluid shunt |